
Sunday, 16 September 2012

17. The Boys Are Back In Town...


The Boys Are Back In Town...

My friend Nathan came down to Melbourne for the weekend from Sydney. He used to live in Melbourne for a while and we worked together in a call centre for a few months and then he decided to have a change of scenery and try out living in Sydney. Anyway, what me and Nathan like to do is get very, very drunk together. Pretty much every Friday night 
we would hit the pub and then the city after a long week at work, often we would ask to leave work early, be told "no" by our boss and then just run out of the office and down to the pub when he had his back turned. We would get a bit of a telling off or a stern look on Monday, but nothing too serious...thankfully. 

 So Nathan and I felt compelled to keep up the tradition this Friday and got completely annihilated once more. It turned out to be a pretty good night on the whole, I finished work early (bonus), bumped into old work mates in the pub, socialised with new ones, had a laugh and got very drunk. We then ventured out to Brunswick St and met up with some of Nathan's friends. I'm not too sure what we did after this, all I recall is that we had several shots, a Kinder Suprise and a KFC, and then stumbling in around 5.30am and not resurfacing until well into the afternoon on a Saturday.  Good times. God help us when we go to Bali together in a few weeks time, we have 11 full days of this to look forward to. 

These are the kind of states we get in.

It's our anniversary on Tuesday. Me and our Peg have been together for 2 whole years now, that's a bloody long time isn't it? Gone really quickly too. It seems so weird that 2 years have passed by already. In many ways we know each other very well and in others we're still just getting to know each other. It's a bit strange because we've both come from very different backgrounds. Well for starters we are two different nationalities, then there's the different school systems we went through, the cultural/social differences, the TV shows we watched as kids, the holidays we've taken whilst growing up, etc. There's so many differences when you date someone from another country as opposed to dating a fellow English person. She's never watched Live & Kicking, or Rosie and Jim! But then I'd never heard of Blinky Bill or The Wiggles until I'd met her. I think it keeps it a bit fresh and exciting, because you're constantly learning new things as you go along. 

Our daily routine. One before breakfast, one after.

I know these blogs tend to be quite sporadically posted and never really have a consistent theme or nature to them, and for this I apologise.  I've recently been thinking of starting to write actual Travel Blogs / Reviews. The Lonely Planet now pays $100 for each travel post they receive that they use on their website or even in their travel books. It does mean I will have to conform to a stricter format and keep the rants more contained, as well as the profanities, but it is a great feeling putting down your thoughts and opinions in text and having other people take the time out of their day to read them and appreciate them, it's the ultimate complement in my opinion. So if you're reading this, I am eternally grateful to you. You big dickheads. 

I had an epiphany the other day in work. I was sat on one of the massage chairs (yeah that's right we have free massage chairs in my office) and I was thinking of how a certain smell can remind you of a certain place or person, for instance the smell of coconut reminds me of skiing in Italy because I used coconut scented sunscreen when I was there, or the smell of Diesel White aftershave takes me back to being 14 in High School, when I used to cover myself in it so I didn't smell like cigarettes. So it got me thinking, wouldn't it be good if one day you could 'Tag' a scent to a picture? I know it's been done for some of the specialist cinemas where they spray hot and cold water at the audience, have moving seats and release certain scents at certain times during the movie to make you feel more involved in what's going on and it becomes a more engrossing experience for the viewer. But what about bringing this experience to a broader audience. Add the smell of cider and smokes to those festival snaps? Essence of Tequila and Lime to the birthday cocktail picture album, or simply just the smell of burning charcoal to the family barbecue picture album? Just some food for thought. (see what I did there?)

I used to hate people who watched TV seasons. Well, not hate exactly...I just always thought there was better things people could be doing with their time. How wrong I was. I got right into Entourage and finished all 8 seasons in like 3 weeks (Ari Gold = Legend) and I've been making my way through House for some time now, but I have a new obsession, and I know I'm not the only one. Breaking Bad. Seriously how good is it? The concept is pretty unique, for those of you who are unaware it's about an over qualified high school science teacher who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, his wife is heavily pregnant and he has a disabled teenage son. To support his family he decides to start selling Crystal Methamphetamine he 'cooks' with one of his former students. The show switches from dark comedy to action thriller like no other and is, in my opinion, absolutely brilliant. I do strongly recommend it if you haven't already started watching. 

I was flicking through my pictures from travelling around India earlier and came across this one. I'd never really stopped and looked at it properly. It was taken in the holy city, Varanasi on the ghats of the river Ganges just after morning prayers. 

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Hey, I've just read your blog...